Special Youth Work

Contact information

Takala Iida

erityisnuorisotyöntekijä/etsivän nuorisotyöntekijän sijaisuus ajalla 30.9.2024-4.3.2025
Urheilutie 7, 33960 Pirkkala

Liikkuva nuorisotyö, päihde- ja seksuaalikasvatus

Takala Iida

The aim of special youth work is to support young people and their families at different stages in life and in problem situations.

The special youth worker is there to support young people

The main target group for special youth work is young people aged 12–17. Their job description includes: 

  • coordination of individual and group activities
  • substance abuse and sex education
  • strengthening of life management skills
  • mobile youth work 

You can get in touch in matters both big and small

The special youth worker can be contacted by the young person themselves, their parent or even a friend. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you need help with things like relationships with friends, things at home or substance abuse matters.
    Find the special youth worker on Snapchat at erkkapirkkala.

    You can also reach the special youth worker via Wilma.

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